Why Positive Pay?
Check fraud is a major financial crime, with losses in
fiscal 2000 exceeding $20 billion. With advancements in
inexpensive PC and desktop publishing software, the problem
is increasing. The American Bankers Association reported
that check fraud is growing 25 percent a year.
Positive Pay helps prevent check fraud by means of a
digital confirmation of checks presented for payment. When
used together with a highly secure check, Positive Pay can
dramatically cut fraud losses.
SAFEChecks PC-based Positive Pay file
transmission software is included in a check fraud
prevention package for $299. This package includes an order
of SAFEChecks high-security business checks
and an order of the SuperCheck, the most secure personal
check on the market.
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Positive Pay Solutions
For All Existing Systems
Call toll-free
for more information:
(800) 755-2265
(800) 755-2265
Fax: (800) 615-2265